Joe Mickey - The Tibetan Photo Project
Joe Mickey - The Tibetan Photo Project Joe Mickey - The Tibetan Photo Project Joe Mickey - The Tibetan Photo Project
Tibetan Photo Project (Stand alone photo cutline text) Since 1949, the Tibetan population and culture has faced extinction at the hands of the Chinese government. Much of the 135,000 Tibetan exile community living in India is dedicated to preserving their rich culture and art.
Several great photographic portfolios have been created by western photographers looking in on the Tibetan people. In spring 2000, Tibetan monks living in southern India were introduced to the camera, for the first time, as a tool to help document their efforts and provide a view created by the Tibetans themselves. Photos by Tenzin Wangden Andrutsang, a second generation Tibetan living in exile, added to the project with images from the community in Dharamsala India. — On the Web, visit

Joe Mickey - The Tibetan Photo Project
Joe Mickey - The Tibetan Photo Project
Copyright © by Joe Mickey All rights reserved.